Secret Language of Dogs

How to Talk to Your Pet

Ever wished your dog could communicate with you? He does, though not verbally. According to research, dogs have a unique style of speaking with both their owners and other dogs. Any dog owner will tell you that their four-legged family members communicate well through their bodies.

 Face: Dogs will wrinkle or straighten their brows to convey uncertainty or resolve.

 Eyes: When a dog sees a creature that he perceives as friendly, his eyes light up. His pupils enlarge and the whites of his eyes flash when he gets terrified.

 Lips, teeth, and tongue: When a dog is excited or eager to play, he may pull his lips back and expose his teeth showing what might be a smile. A dog will only use this motion when communicating with humans; it will not make this gesture with other dogs. A dog's ears indicate if he is relaxed or paying attention. He might be indicating submission if they come back.

 Tail: A recent study in "Current Biology" demonstrates that a dog's tail wag is a good indicator of how he is feeling. Positive feelings are indicated by a tail that wags more to the right; negative feelings are shown by a tail that wags more to the left.

 Play bow: This denotes that it's time to play in canine communication. But it can also mean "Oops," as a dog might say in an apology. I'm sorry for acting so nasty. A human would come up and slap you on the back if they gave you a paw slap. It is also a sign that the dog trusts the dog it is playing with because this action positions the dog at an awkward angle. Dogs who rear up on their hind legs do so as a display of affection.

 Biting: This is another indication of play. Dogs take care to stay away from the other animal's delicate parts.

 Dogs Barking

Dogs like talking, much like their human owners do. With increasing emotion, the dog's bark will become louder or higher in pitch.

 Recognizing one another

Simply opening our eyes, ears, and hearts will allow us to comprehend what they are trying to communicate.